2021 Michigan Building Code
The Construction Code - Part 4. Building Code rules were filed with the Secretary of State on December 10, 2024, and will become effective on April 9, 2025. The rules adopt by reference the 2021 edition of the International Building Code, with amendments, deletions, and additions deemed appropriate for use in Michigan.
Until the electronic and hard copies are available from the International Code Council (ICC), one can use the 2021 International Building Code with the Part 4 Michigan Amendments for the 2021 Michigan Building Code. The bureau will notify the public when each code's electronic and hard copy versions are available for purchase and update the code book information on our website, which links to the ICC for purchase. Below are some important changes that have been made to the code.
One important change is the addition of the definition for Cold Weather Months. This allows for the additional exception under section 1203.
(a) Interior spaces where the primary purpose is not associated with human contact.
(b) Group F, H, S, or U occupancies.
(c) Interior, seasonal spaces unoccupied during cold weather months, including restrooms, shower buildings, day-use restrooms, concession stands, press boxes, ticket booths, and locker rooms.
Until the electronic and hard copies are available from the International Code Council (ICC), one can use the 2021 International Building Code with the Part 4 Michigan Amendments for the 2021 Michigan Building Code. The bureau will notify the public when each code's electronic and hard copy versions are available for purchase and update the code book information on our website, which links to the ICC for purchase. Below are some important changes that have been made to the code.
One important change is the addition of the definition for Cold Weather Months. This allows for the additional exception under section 1203.
- “Cold weather months” means November 1 through April 1 in Michigan Uniform Energy Code climate zone 5A and from October 15 through May 1 in Michigan Uniform Energy Code climate zones 6A and 7.
- 1. Equipment and systems. Interior spaces intended for human occupancy shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a minimum interior room temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit at a point 3 feet above the floor and 2 feet from exterior walls at the required design temperature. The installation of portable space heaters shall not be used to comply with this section.
(a) Interior spaces where the primary purpose is not associated with human contact.
(b) Group F, H, S, or U occupancies.
(c) Interior, seasonal spaces unoccupied during cold weather months, including restrooms, shower buildings, day-use restrooms, concession stands, press boxes, ticket booths, and locker rooms.

2021 Michigan Building Code |